Rabu, 06 November 2024

Moon Images for my research

 Is there anyone here who likes taking pictures of the moon? I really need pictures of the moon, especially crescent moon photos for my research entitled "Detection of new crescent moons using the MSER (Maximally Stable Extreme Regions) technique"
Note: The new crescent moon will be on October 3-4, 2024 and November 2-3, 2024
The pictures of the moon were taken in Indonesia, especially in East Java, if possible in Surabaya. The important thing is in East Java

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2024

Review Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)


Let's Fu*king Gooo!!!! The Wolverining is hard, baby.The Deadpool goes crazy after he's taking selfie with TVA Agent.
A lot of jokes and teasing each other here and there.The Samurai Deadpool is weak, he don't have healing factor ability.The Deadpool corps is cool and going crazy after they entering the portal.
A little disappointed because there is no Taylor Swift cameo, but even though there isn't the film it's still cool. Even if she appeared the whole theater would definitely scream, especially the swifties and this film would beat Endgame and Spider-Man No Way Home. Maybe because of budget limitations, this film can't feature Taylor Swift and several cameos are rumored to appear. This film will be the opening of the mutant era in the MCU and the best film since Endgame, Loki, and Spider-Man No Way Home.  And this film became the savior of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after many fans and critics admitted they were annoyed with recent Marvel projects. You could say this film is 90% fan service and 10% story.  There are several cameos that appear including:
- Henry Cavill Wolverine
- Chris Evans Human Torch
- Edward Norton Hulk or Mark Ruffalo? I think it's Mark Ruffalo
- Stan Lee cameo on the bus
- Wanda statue
- Joe's pizza restaurant
- Scott Lang de*d body H.Q.
- Spider-Man reference
- Secret Wars Comic
- Hunter B-15
- Happy Hogan
- Asgard
- Thanos Q-Spaceship
- SHIELD Helicarrier
- Mad Max reference
- Thor & Deadpool
- etc
I can't tell the others because it's SPOILERS!!!!!
Merc with a mouth, MAXIMUM EFFORT!!!!

Time Paradox in Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)


    Branched Timeline at TVA Monitor

So in the Deadpool & Wolverine 2024 movie, it is set to exist in the same universe as the 2017 Logan movie (Earth-10005). If that's the case, how do you explain Logan's death that occurred in 2029, while the Deadpool & Wolverine movie takes place in 2024? It could be that Logan is still alive in 2024, why doesn't Deadpool take Logan in his universe in 2024? Still alive, right? In the Deadpool & Wolverine movie, Deadpool instead takes Logan from an alternate universe. So later there will be two Logans alive in his universe. One from an alternate universe, and one from his own universe.

Let's try to discuss the time paradox in the Deadpool & Wolverine movie using the block universe theory.

Block Universe Theory

The block universe: it contains everything that has ever happened and will happen at any time and at any place.()

The block universe theory views time as the fourth dimension, where all events in the universe already exist and occur simultaneously. The past, present, and future exist simultaneously in a "block" of time. These events are interconnected and cannot be changed.

Applying the Block Universe Theory to Deadpool & Wolverine

In the context of this film, Logan's death in 2029 in the Earth-10005 timeline is an event that has already "happened" in that block of time. However, with time travel and the multiverse, it is possible to create new timeline branches.

Primary Timeline (Earth-10005): Here, Logan dies in 2029.
Alternate Timeline: When Deadpool brings Logan from an alternate universe, he creates a new timeline branch. In this timeline, there are two Logans living simultaneously:
- Logan from the alternate universe brought by Deadpool.
- Logan from Earth-10005 is still alive (before his death in 2029).

Why Didn't Deadpool Take Logan from His Own Universe in 2024?

There are several possible explanations:

- Time Paradox: Taking Logan from his main timeline in 2024 could create a time paradox that would cause the timeline to collapse.
- Storyline: The writers may have chosen to create a more complex and interesting storyline involving the multiverse.
- Power Limitations: It is possible that Deadpool's time travel powers have certain limitations, such that he can only bring individuals from alternate universes.
- Mission Purpose: It is possible that Deadpool had a specific purpose in bringing Logan from an alternate universe, such as to fight a more powerful enemy or for other personal reasons.

Why Are There Two Logans Alive Simultaneously?

In the block universe theory, the existence of two Logans living simultaneously in alternate timelines is not a contradiction. They are both part of different realities, and their existence does not affect each other.


Using the block universe theory, we can understand that time travel and the multiverse allow for different possibilities and realities. Logan's death in 2029 is part of one reality, while the existence of two Logans in alternate timelines is part of another reality. Both can exist simultaneously without causing a paradox.

It's important to remember: The block universe theory is just one way to interpret the concept of time and the multiverse. There is no definitive, absolute answer, and everyone is free to have a different interpretation. 


Minggu, 23 Juni 2024

Review Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams 2024


Tidak perlu nonton series ini sesuai timeline karena setiap episode, cerita dan karakternya berbeda.
Series ini genre dan episodenya mirip dengan series Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities.
7 Episode Standalone yang mindbending, terkoneksi kemungkinan di Season 2.Ini adalah Twilight Zone versi Indonesia.
Series ini mengangkat berbagai isu sosial yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia

Episode 1 Review
Old House
Semudah itukah menghancurkan dan membakar sekte sesat yang ada di ruang bawah tanah Panti Jompo? Episode pertama ini serasa apa ya bahasanya? kayak ada yang kurang, harusnya sih kalau sekte sesat dibasmi tidak semudah itu, terlalu terburu-buru dan terlalu op protagonisnya, si Panji.Hikmah episode ini adalah kita harus berbakti kepada orang tua walaupun orang tua kita sudah pikun dan tidak bisa apa-apa lagi,rawatlah mereka selagi mereka hidup dan jangan sekali-kali membawa orang tua kalian ke Panti Jompo,nanti kalian akan menyesal.

Episode 2 Review
The Orphan
Episode ke-2 ini membawa kita kepada sesuatu yang di luar nalar,bagaimana seorang anak kecil yang diyakini keturunan Agartha membawa kekayaan bagi seorang pasangan,Iyos dan Ipah yang tinggal di suatu gubuk di daerah Bantar Gebang.Tentu itu adalah sesuatu yang mustahil.Jika Syafin mempunyai kekuatan untuk memberikan kekayaan dan dapat menghidupkan kembali orang tua angkat mereka yang telah mati karena mereka menyesal berpura-pura menjadi orang tua si Syafin, pasti ada sesuatu seperti pengorbanan entah itu ritual dari kaum Agartha atau mereka, Iyos dan Ipah untuk mengabdi kepada kaum Agartha karena telah merawat keturunannya.Kemungkinan, jika ada Season 2 episode The Orphan ini bisa dijelaskan secara rinci kelanjutannya.

Episode 3 Review
Poems and Pains
Episode ini hampir mirip konsepnya dengan film Argylle.Bedanya kalau versinya Joko Anwar dia pake semacam proyeksi supernatural atau astral untuk terhubung dengan kembarannya di dunia nyata pada waktu yang sama, kalau Argylle karakter utamanya terlibat langsung dengan aksi mata-mata itu sendiri berdasarkan novel yang dia tulis, persis banget di dunia nyata bahkan apa yang dia tulis selanjutnya akan menentukan masa depan dari Organisasi Division (real world).Note: Novelis Elly Conway (Argylle), seorang mantan agen mata-mata yang di cuci otaknya dan dia berubah jadi novelis, tadinya episode ini bakal mirip masa lalunya dengan film Argylle ternyata tidak.

Episode 4 Review
The Encounter
Best Episode so far, berlatar waktu 1985 seorang nelayan kerang di Jakarta Utara bernama Wahyu bertemu dengan suatu objek tak dikenal yang diyakini sebagai malaikat/Supreme Being di lepas pantai dan dia memotretnya.Wahyu yang notabenenya seorang warga biasa,pendiam,sedikit egois,beruntung,dan kadang temannya yang bernama Rusman iri dengan keberuntungan si Wahyu, mendapatkan suatu kekuatan dan ilham dari malaikat tersebut.Bukan tanpa alasan, dia dipilih untuk menjadi pemimpin pemberontakan terhadap kaum Agartha dan pemerintahan yang kotor dan penuh korupsi.Mereka menamakannya sebagai Antibodi.Antibodi ini tersebar di seluruh dunia.Hikmah episode ini adalah setiap manusia di muka bumi ini memiliki peran masing-masing, walaupun peran tersebut kita belum menemukannya, yakinlah suatu saat di waktu yang tepat peran tersebut akan kita ambil.Jangan meremahkan peran sekecil apapun karena bisa jadi orang biasa seperti si Wahyu ini memiliki peran yang lebih penting dan berguna bagi masyarakat sekitar.

Episode 5 Review
The Other Side
Agak pusing sih episode ini, dilatasi waktu yang menggabungkan konsep pengendalian kesadaran melalui otak agar orang yang dikendalikan tetap di dimensi lain yaitu Agartha.Gw jadi malah keinget konsep pengendalian kesadaran ini di film X-Men: The Days of Future Past sama di series Agent of Shield, tetapi bedanya sama episode ini adalah kalau di X-Men dia pakai konsep time travel ke masa lalu dan kalau di Agent of Shield kurang lebih sama, dimana robot kecerdasan buatan bernama AIDA menjebak para agent di dalam dunia bernama Framework.Memang dimensi lain seperti Agartha ini bisa diibaratkan seperti dunianya para jin dimana konsep waktunya berbeda dengan dunia kita.Beberapa cerita mengenai orang hilang diculik jin kemudian mereka kembali dan mengaku baru beberapa jam atau kurang dari satu jam disana tetapi di dunia nyata mereka telah hilang 3-7 hari, ada yang hilang 1 bulan, bahkan ada yang 1 tahun atau bahkan lebih.Cerita itu memang benar adanya.

Episode 6 Review
Mata sama otak gw pusing gara-gara liat twister purple hypnosis dalam episode ini.Episode ini bercerita bagaimana seseorang yang pandai berhipnosis bernama Ali yang akan direkrut ke dalam sebuah pergerakan pemberontakan bernama Antibodi, keluar dari ilusi dan realitas buatan yang diinjeksi ke dalam pikiran oleh Dewi dan kemungkinan Wahyu,sang pemimpin Antibodi ikut berperan dalam test mengerikan ini.Melalui episode ini, isu sosial yang dibahas adalah dari kalangan penyandang disabilitas.Kita harus mengutamakan, membantu, dan menghormati para penyandang disabilitas dalam hal apapun.Adapun isu lain yang dibahas adalah mencuri barang yang bukan milik kita.Kita tidak boleh mencuri walaupun dalam hal kepepet apalagi menggunakan teknik hipnosis yang itu bisa merugikan banyak orang.

Episode 7 Review
PO Box 888
Di Episode 7 kita diperlihatkan first-look dari Antibodi itu sendiri yang berjumlah 6 pada awalnya kemudian ditambah Valdya menjadi 7 orang.Tujuh anggota Antibodi ini bukanlah suatu kebetulan.Jika kita lihat dari opening titlenya, ada 7 kunci yang mempresentasikan 7 episode dengan 7 anggota Antibodi.Yang bikin gw bingung di episode ini, ada anggota Antibodi bernama Laksmi yang mana dia tidak ditampilkan di episode sebelumnya.Apakah dia reinkarnasi dari Ipah yang diselamatkan oleh Syafin di Episode 2? Atau mungkin karakter ini memang sengaja ditampilkan agar para penonton berteori liar?Atau mungkin dia memang karakter baru yang akan ditampilkan lagi di Season selanjutnya? dengan catatan mungkin diceritakan masa lalunya sebelum bergabung dengan anggota Antibodi.

Secara keseluruhan series ini memang mempresentasikan golongan menengah ke bawah yang mana mereka ingin menuntut keadilan karena mereka diperbudak oleh sistem yang semena-mena.Sistem yang membuat mereka sengsara, miskin, tidak mendapat keadilan, dan tidak sejahtera.Agartha itu sendiri adalah sistem yang buruk dan sewenang-wenang.Kalau diibaratkan Agartha itu seperti Elite Global/ILM/FRM, mereka jumlahnya hanya 1 % di dunia tetapi mereka menguasai seluruh aspek kehidupan kita seperti ekonomi, kesehatan, politik, perdagangan, dll.Berbagai isu sosial yang dibahas di series ini adalah perlindungan lansia dan jaminan hari tua, pengelolaan sampah yang sehat dan aman, perlindungan korban KDRT, konflik kepemilikan tanah (agraria), fasilitas untuk pasien dengan gangguan jiwa, inklusi penyandang disabilitas, dan tingginya angka pengangguran muda.Mas Joko Anwar ini memang sangat genius dalam membuat sebuat series ini.Dia bisa menggabungkan elemen isu-isu sosial yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia ini dengan sci-fi dan supernatural.CGI dan cinematographynya tidak perlu ditanyakan lagi.The Best lah Mas Joko Anwar

Versi bahasa Inggris


Selasa, 21 Mei 2024

Testing Morality,Psychological Torment,and Social Commentary in SAW franchise movies


The Saw franchise is known for its gruesome traps and bloody kills, but it also delves into deeper themes  like testing morality, psychological torment, and social commentary. Here's a breakdown of how these elements play out in the films:

Testing Morality:
- Jigsaw's Games
The core concept of the franchise revolves around Jigsaw (John Kramer) putting people through deadly games that test their morality. These games often force victims to make terrible choices to survive, raising questions about right and wrong in extreme situations.
- Consequences of Actions
Jigsaw often targets individuals who have committed wrongs or wasted their lives. The games force them to confront the consequences of their actions and fight to redeem themselves.
- Blurred Lines
The films don't always offer clear-cut answers on morality. Sometimes the victims are flawed but not deserving of such torture, while others might earn a chance at redemption through the games.

Psychological Torment:
- Fear as a Tool
Jigsaw's traps are not just physically gruesome, they also play heavily on the victims' psychological fears and phobias. This mental anguish adds another layer of horror and makes the struggle for survival even more intense.
- Manipulation and Control
Jigsaw enjoys manipulating his victims both physically and mentally. He plays mind games, leaving clues and forcing them to question everything around them.
- The Legacy of Trauma
Even if they survive, the victims of Jigsaw's games are scarred for life. The psychological trauma they endure becomes a central theme in some films.

Social Commentary:
- Healthcare and Morality
The Saw franchise often touches on issues related to healthcare and the value of life. Jigsaw's cancer diagnosis plays a role in his twisted philosophy, raising questions about access to care and the desperation it can breed.
- Justice and Punishment
The films explore different perspectives on justice. Jigsaw takes the law into his own hands, punishing those he believes deserve to suffer. This raises questions about retribution and the boundaries of justice.
- Corporate Greed and Corruption
Some Saw films target characters who represent corporate greed and corruption. By putting these figures through his games, Jigsaw makes a statement about the consequences of unethical behavior.

It's important to note that the Saw franchise doesn't always  present  clear-cut  answers  to  these  complex  themes.  The  films  often  leave  viewers  to  contemplate  the  morality  of  Jigsaw's  actions  and  the  dilemmas  faced  by  his  victims.  This  ambiguity  contributes  to  the  franchise's  lasting  impact  and  ability  to  spark  conversation.

Moon Images for my research

 Is there anyone here who likes taking pictures of the moon? I really need pictures of the moon, especially crescent moon photos for my re...