Minggu, 01 Oktober 2023

Adventures of the Starkiller,Episode I : The Star Wars,Star Wars Crawling Text Synopsis

 Adventures of the Starkiller as taken from the Journal of the Whills, Saga I: The Star Wars was the second draft of the script to the film that would become Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. It was begun in the summer of 1974 and finished on January 281975.[1] It was replaced in May 1975 by a new synopsis called The Adventures of Luke Starkiller (episode one) "The Star Wars."

This version of the script shows a much closer resemblance to the finished film than any of the earlier drafts. It is particularly interesting because of Ralph McQuarrie's conceptual drawings and paintings, which were commissioned to accompany the second draft. McQuarrie began work on conceptual art almost as soon as the script was completed, working through early March 1975. As such, the second draft can be said to have first established the visual character of the Star Wars saga.

Source : https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Adventures_of_the_Starkiller,_Episode_I:_The_Star_Wars


Ruthless trader barons,
driven by greed and the
lust for power, have replaced
enlightenment with oppression,
and "rule by the people"

Until the tragic Holy Rebellion of "06",
the respected JEDI BENDU OF ASHLA
were the most powerful warriors
in the Universe.
For a hundred thousand years,
generations of Jedi Bendu knights
learned the ways of the mysterious
FORCE OF OTHERS, and acted as the
guardians of peace and justice
in the REPUBLIC. Now these legendary
warriors are all but extinct.
One by one they have been hunted down
and destroyed by a ferocious
rival sect of mercenary warriors:

It is a period of civil wars.
The EMPIRE is crumbling into
lawless barbarism throughout
the million worlds of the galaxy.
From the celestial equator to
the farthest reaches of the GREAT RIFT,
seventy small solar systems have
united in a common war against
the tyranny of the Empire.
Under the command of a mighty
Jedi warrior known as THE STARKILLER,
the REBEL ALLIANCE has won a crushing
victory over the deadly Imperial Star Fleet.
The Empire knows that one more such defeat
will bring a thousand more solar systems
into the rebellion, and Imperial control
of the Outlands could be lost forever…

...And a thousand new systems
joined the rebellion,
causing a significant crack
in the great wall of the
powerful Galactic Empire.
The Starkiller would once
again spark fear in the
hearts of the Sith knights,
but not before his sons
were put to many tests...
the most daring of which was
the kidnapping of the Lars
family, and the perilous
search for:

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