Minggu, 01 Oktober 2023

Jedi Origin Trilogy Part 1_The Dawn of the Jedi_Star Wars Crawling Text Synopsis



In the dawn of the galaxy, before the rise of the Republic, there was a darkness that threatened to consume all. The Force was unbalanced, and the dark side reigned supreme.

But from the ashes of this darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. A group of brave individuals, drawn together by the light side of the Force, banded together to form the Dawn of the Jedi.

They dedicated themselves to protecting the galaxy from the darkness and bringing balance to the Force. But their journey would not be easy.

For within their own ranks, there were those who were tempted by the dark side. And from without, they were threatened by a new and powerful foe: the Rakata.

The Rakata were a technologically advanced race, driven by a thirst for conquest. They emerged from the Unknown Regions and began to subjugate the galaxy, using their advanced weapons and technology to enslave entire populations.

The Dawn of the Jedi knew that they were the only ones who could stop the Rakata. But they were divided within their ranks, and they struggled to unite against the common enemy.

But one Jedi refused to give up hope. A young woman named Ajunta Pall, gifted with great strength in the Force, saw the Rakata threat for what it was: a danger not just to the galaxy, but to the very balance of the Force itself.

Ajunta Pall rallied the Dawn of the Jedi and led them to war against the Rakata. It was a long and bloody conflict, but in the end, the Dawn of the Jedi prevailed. They defeated the Rakata and restored peace to the galaxy.

But their victory came at a cost. Many Jedi fell in the war, and the Dawn of the Jedi was forever changed. But their legacy lived on, and their sacrifice laid the foundation for the Jedi Order that would stand for millennia to come.

This is the story of the Dawn of the Jedi, the ancient order of Force-users who fought to bring balance to the galaxy in the face of darkness. It is a story of courage, sacrifice, and the power of the Force.

"On the planet Tython, in the center of the galaxy, an order of warrior monks strives to maintain peace and to balance the mysterious power known as the Force. But a stranger is coming—one who will destroy both peace and balance, and open the galaxy to exploration and conquest. This is where it all begins!"
―Publisher's summary of Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm 1[10]

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi is a comic book series from Dark Horse Comics, written by John Ostrander and pencilled by Jan Duursema, the creative team behind Dark Horse's critically-acclaimed Star Wars: Legacy series. Dawn of the Jedi is set almost 26,000 years before Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, and the series focuses on the Je'daii Order, a group of Force-sensitives on the planet Tython who are the predecessors to the Jedi Order. Aside from the beginning of the first issueDawn of the Jedi is primarily set in the year 25,793 BBY, in a time before the polarization of the light and dark sides of the Force, and the series is the first to be set "Before the Republic"—a new publishing era that includes all material set before the founding of the Galactic Republic.

A preview Issue 0 was released on February 12012, and it was followed by the series' first issue on February 15. Not a monthly series, Dawn of the Jedi released fifteen issues as part of three five-issue story arcs, Force StormThe Prisoner of Bogan, and Force War. The series focuses on three young Je'daii JourneyersShae KodaTasha Ryo, and Sek'nos Rath—as well as Xesh, a Force Hound of the Rakatan Infinite Empire who recently arrived on Tython, and the mad Je'daii Daegen Lok's plans to take over the Je'daii Order. Force War focuses on the Infinite Empire's arrival and attempted conquest of the Tython systemDawn of the Jedi ended after the third arc, as Marvel Comics acquired the Star Wars comic publishing license from Dark Horse in 2015.

Source : https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Dawn_of_the_Jedi

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